Catch A Ride With Us

Midland Public Transit Rebrand

Rural Transit sometimes hold the stigma of being just the "Handivan" for the elderly while in actuality it is available for all the public to use just like a city bus. It probably didn't help much when the transit offices were located within the senior centers and being operated by the area's Agency on Aging since the transit programs started.

To help remedy this misconception, we have decided to rebrand our transit service to Midland Public Transit. With this rebrand, we have wrapped the area's transit vehicles with a bright eye catching design (you may have seen them around town recently).

We have also created a central dispatch system where you get to talk to the same friendly person to schedule each and every ride no matter when and where you ride. This helps us be more efficient with both our funding and ride times.

No matter what your transportation need is, give us a call today at 1(888)997-1655 and catch a ride with us.